The most noteworthy changes since 2.1.6:* 0000367: [Authentication layer] Sometimes LDAP Authentication
fails (paul)
* 0000357: [Database layer] 2.1.6 breaks compatibility with
PostgreSQL 7.4 (paul)
* 0000208: [POP3 daemon] glibc error in dbmail_pop3d (paul)
* 0000350: [Database layer] Memory leak in dbpgsql.c. (paul)
* 0000358: [general delivery] Sieve filters only match the first
occurrence of a header. (aaron)
* 0000360: [IMAP daemon] Memory leak when executing IMAP APPEND
command. (aaron)
* 0000359: [PIPE delivery (dbmail-smtp)] Redirect in sieve breaks
trying to send. (aaron)
* 0000362: [Documentation] The -y option is undocumented in the man
page for dbmail-util (aaron)
* 0000282: [General] PostgreSQL Error "current transaction is
aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block"
* 0000371: [Database layer] Some messages are truncated during
insertion. (aaron)
* 0000363: [General] Somtimes the count of grandchild processes does
not decrease. (paul)
* 0000370: [General] waitpid() in ParentSigHander() function shuld
be called multiple time for zombies. (paul)
* 0000361: [IMAP daemon] IMAP zombies after about a day. (paul)
* 0000303: [General] Check for signal-safe calls in the pool code
投稿情報: おおばおおば | 2006/07/27 11:55
投稿情報: しげちか | 2006/07/27 13:13